Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Speaking of Winners!

You can be an all around winner when you renew or become a new member of KMXT!
KMXT's Spring On-Air Fund Drive begins Monday, May 3rd. Receive one Alaska Airlines Milage plan mile for every dollar you give to KMXT and be entered in a drawing for 2 Round Trip tickets to Seattle.

Double your chances to win the tickets by paying your pledge before the Fund Drive starts. Go to and hit the donate now button, stop by 620 Egan Way and pledge in person or give us a call at 486-3181. for every $25 you give you will be entered twice in the drawing. Pledge after May 2nd and you will get 1 entry for every $25. As always you will receive one Alaska Airline mile, for every dollar you give to KMXT.
Be a part of this win, win situation! You could win 2 RT tickets Kodiak - Seattle, and you definately win the great feeling you get from supporting your favorite public radio station, KMXT!

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