The KMXT Run the Rock Marathon, Half-Marathon and 5-Kilometer race went off like clockwork today. At the apres' race BBQ, organizer Erin Harrington dished out a couple dozen thanks to those who helped make the race such a success, and indeed the help from every single one of them was vital.
Let's not let Erin's contribution be lost, though. Without her, there's no idea for the race. Without her, there's no organizing the committee to plan it. Without her, there's no drive to sustain the effort. Without her, it'd just be another Saturday in October and 100 people who mingled at the golf course after the race couldn't have shared each other's stories and laughter and company. And KMXT wouldn't have benefited from the good will generated by it all.
What Erin did was take a single idea, focus on it relentlessly and follow it through to fruition. That's how it's done. That's how KMXT can grow and prosper and be a success. If KMXT had that kind of commitment from a dozen or even a half-dozen people who support us like Erin does, all the obstacles that challenge us would be overcome with ease. No more scrambling to find people to help out with crossing guard duty, on-air pitching during the fundy, or even board shifts. If we had more ambassadors like Erin, who spread the gospel of public radio and KMXT, we'd bust our fund raising goals twice a year, instead of having to spend extra days trying to shake a few extra dollars from the trees.
KMXT, its volunteers and listeners are lucky Erin Harrington has adopted the station. Are there more Erins out there? Are you the next Erin? Because if you are, we all could use your help.
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