Friday, June 25, 2010


Please Join us THIS Saturday (June 26) at 6PM
for a GOING AWAY (sniff) SHINDIG~
in honor of Dave Boschee, Jared Griffin and Nick Barshay: a trifecta of talent!

"THANKS" AND "HAPPY TRAILS" to these fine men!

We appreciate you so much and will miss you much too!

This potluck hootenanny takes place at KMXT~

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mr. Whitekeys Rescheduled for July 16th and 17th

KMXT Presents Mr. Whitekeys and the Fabulous Spamtones: Whale Fat Follies, has been rescheduled for Friday July 16th and Saturday July 17th.

The show will be held at El Chicano’s Restaurant and Cantina. Ticket holders for the cancelled show may drop by the KMXT studios at 620 Egan Way to exchange tickets or receive a refund.

Tickets for the July show are available at KMXT, The Treasury and El Chicano’s. Thank you for your patience with this delay and we look forward to a great show in July.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

HD2 and HD3 Increasing the programming on KMXT 100.1 FM + HD

Click on the title of this article to go to the schedule of incredible programming now available on KMXT 100.1 HD2 and HD3! Once you pull up the schedule, just click on any show name to go directly to their site and get information about the program! It is amazing! Three Public Radio channels are now available here on Kodiak Island! Yes, you need an HD radio to hear these two new channels. Stop by the station to check out the radios we have available here, or order one via catalog or the internet. If you have questions, we would love to answer them. Give us a call at 486-3181 or stop by our offices at 620 Egan Way. Good listening

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Rain or Shine, KMXT had Bear paw waffles!

Thank you to all who helped out at the KMXT Crab Festival Booth. The theme "Rain or Shine" was very appropriate this year. As it is most years, actually. Don't forget the drawing for the HD radios from the Spring Fund Drive and the Round trip Alaska Airline tickets, Kodiak-Seattle will be on the air, Friday June 18th at 12:30.
You can still enter the drawing for the airline tickets! You receive one entry in the drawing for every $25 you donate to KMXT by Thursday, June 17th.