Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Tips From An Aging Radio Dude 1

I thought I'd start a semi irregular series of simple tips for the nonprofessional radio announcer. I've been in radio since I was 12 and am several multiples of that now, and have made every mistake in the book and am constantly inventing new ones to overcome.

So here's the first posting with a small handful of simple things you should remember:

1. It is not a legal station identification if there is any word between our call letters and our city. You can say anything before KMXT and anything after Kodiak, but nothing in between them, ever, even the word "in." So: KMXT Kodiak is legal. KMXT in Kodiak is illegal. Just remember to keep the ins out and you won't be violating federal law. (that sounds so much more sinister than it is.)

2. If you're not airchecking yourself, you're delaying your progression as an announcer. "But Jay, I think I sound just fine, why do I need to progress?" Well, we're sometimes so busy we often are totally unaware of the little things we say and do on the air that drive listeners away. And make no mistake, no matter how good your music is, if you're annoying someone, they'll change channels. Bring a cassette tape next time you come in and we can show you how to run an aircheck. Sorry, we don't have the capability to do them digitally, yet.

3. What are some of the simple things to listen for when on the air?
  • Lip-smacking;
  • Saying Ah;
  • Saying Um;
  • Starting every sentence with "and."
Can you think of others you can share with your fellow announcers?

4. If you're proud of what you do, say your name on the air. It allows listeners to compliment you by name when they call the next day, and what's better than that? If you're really proud of what you do, try saying your first and last names.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Volunteer Schedule for the Week of March 5th

Greetings all there are a few holes to fill in this schedule, beginning with Monday March 5th:

Monday 5th Roots Rock and Reggae 6 to 9

Tuesday 6th Freeform Radio 9 to 11

Thursday 8th Meeting Night 6 to 9

Saturday 10th Enchanted Island 9:30 11:00

Saturday 10th Board Shift Noon to 3

Saturday 10th Ritmo Latino 6 to 9

Please give me a call, e-mail me or put a comment on this post if you can do any of these shifts and to schedule for the rest of March.

Thank you. Lori

Jock of the Rock, Live from the KMXT Studios!

KMXT's own Nick Sandin, host of Jock of the Rock, Saturday afternoons from 12:30 to 1. Call in and let Nick know what you think about the sports topic of the day. 486-3181 gets you on the air with the Jock of the Rock himself.

Jock of the Rock is just one example of KMXT's original, local programming. What would you like to hear on our airwaves? Is there a show you would like to initiate and host?? Let us know, or come to our Community Advisory Board meeting this Tuesday, February 27th, at 6:30 p.m.

Enchanted Island Saturday February 24th

From 10 to 11 a.m. every Saturday morning, it is all about the kids at KMXT...
From left to right Laurel Bosworth, Levi and Leigh Thomet entertain Kodiak with their riddle and music.
Tune in at 100.1 FM all weekend long for great volunteer programing.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Volunteer Bowling Extravaganza!

All of us here at KMXT want to thank you for all you do.
What better way to do that then with a little bowling and a lot of good
food shared with friends and family.
You don't have to bowl if you don't want to, just enjoy the
food and good company.
So join us Sunday, March 4th, 2:00 to 4:00 at Tropic Lanes.
This will be the Third Annual Bowling and Potluck Party.
Bring your favorite potluck dish.
There will be open bowling, a Round Robin game, special prizes for
most strikes and more.
Plus a prize for the most interesting bowling attire…
Dress as your favorite character from the Big Lebowski!
Be there or be square...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Acoustic Music Hour Mentioned in National Bluegrass Blog

Check out the shout out Jim Peterson got for his KMXT program The Acoustic Music Hour on The Bluegrass Blog.

You can hear TAMH at 1 p.m. Saturdays and 3 p.m. Tuesdays on KMXT 100.1 FM Kodiak.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Some Gong Show Inspiration

How about a little pre-Pee Wee Herman:

Looking for talent for the KMXT GONG SHOW

KMXT Presents

Saturday March 31st

KMXT is looking for TALENT (or not)!!

Serious, Funny, Silly or just Outrageous Acts

No age limit on participants.

Acts should be 3 minutes in length at the most.

All material must be family acceptable and participants should be prepared to be GONGED (in good fun).

First Prize is 4 Tickets to the next KMXT sponsored event (within the next year), a chance to perform live on Talk of the Rock, and a Rubber Chicken.

Second and Third place: Invited to perform live on Talk of the Rock, and a Rubber Chicken.

So if you would like to perform in our first GONG SHOW give us a call at 486-3181 to sign up.
There are only 24 spots so call NOW!
Google: The Gong Show for ideas and a nostalgic trip back to the original Show.

Welcome to KMXT's Volunteer Blog

Hi, this is KMXT's Volunteer Blog, a forum for our volunteers to communicate with me and each other.

This will be our official website!! In the next few weeks look for shift schedules, pictures and articles about you, the volunteers, and events here at KMXT :) If you would like to post a topic contact me, hit my name below to open my e-mail link and I will help you make it so.

I am looking forward to using this blog a lot and hope you will too!

And occasionally I will post here in a panic for someone to fill a shift. So keep checking in.

Lori S